Woven Textiles: art, design, education


Latest news by Laura Thomas Woven Textiles: art, design, education and curation


Woven / Unwoven, Ruthin Craft Centre opens on 30th Sept 2023

My solo exhibition Woven / Unwoven opens on Saturday 30th September 2023 at Ruthin Craft Centre, 2-4pm, and it would wonderful if you join us to celebrate on the day. The reception will include an 'In conversation' with Helen Rees Leahy, Professor Emerita, University of Manchester.

This new body of Woven / Unwoven work marks my 'return to cloth', alongside presenting some glass and resin works too. The artworks were created intuitively and are intended to present a quiet, visual meditation; a reaction against the chaos and uncertainty of recent times. There are gentle rhythms, glimpses beyond the surface and evocative textures to capture our curiosity and ground busy minds.

This exhibition was generously supported by The Arts Council of Wales Lottery Fund.

Ruthin Craft Centre, The Centre for the Applied Arts

Park Road, Ruthin, Denbighshire, Wales UK, LL15 1BB. Tel: +44 (0)1824 704774

FREE admission. FREE on-site parking.

Open Tuesday – Sunday 10am – 5.30pm

The exhibition runs until the 7th January 2024.