Woven Textiles: art, design, education


Latest news by Laura Thomas Woven Textiles: art, design, education and curation


a2 Connect Criw Celf workshop, Bridgend

Aside from my art and design practice, I relish the opportunity to teach young people how to weave. This education work has long been a fundamental aspect of my business, and this summer I’ve very busy delivering workshops as part of the Criw Celf scheme.

Criw Celf is a programme funded by the Arts Wales Council and delivered through various galleries and organisations across Wales. To quote ACW:

Criw Celf provides children and young people with an opportunity to develop their artistic skills, working outside of a school setting alongside professional artists in a variety of different gallery and site-specific settings. In the same way that an orchestra or choir provides an opportunity for young musicians to join together to perform, Criw Celf offers an opportunity for aspiring young visual artists and designers to spend time with their peers and with professionals working in the sector to develop their talent.

Criw Celf focuses on young people who have been identified with school teachers as having a particular potential or talent in the visual and applied arts. The programme introduces them to a rich and varied menu of artistic genres (e.g. painting, sculpture, ceramics, glasswork, 3D work, printing, film/video, photography and jewellery-making) and opens their eyes to the breadth of career possibilities that Art & Design can lead to.

This summer I delivered two 2-day Criw Celf workshops for A2 Connect at Carnegie House Arts Centre in Bridgend. My students firstly visited my nearby studio for an insight into professional practice before then exploring design for weaving through collage, paper weaving and yarn wraps. They then tried weaving on driftwood, frames and table looms in variety of yarns and different scales. Great work produced!