Woven Textiles: art, design, education


Latest news by Laura Thomas Woven Textiles: art, design, education and curation


Double Cloth workshop, Peter Tavy Guild of Weavers Spinners and Dyers, Devon.

In July, I delivered a 3-day Double Cloth workshop over two consecutive weekends for the Peter Tavy Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers in Devon. The first session covered designing an 8 shaft double cloth draft. When teaching double cloth, although it makes my life harder (!) I’m not a fan of just sending out a warp plan and instructions for participants to follow - I much prefer for the weavers to truly learn the entire process. Whilst its a steep learning curve, the depth of understanding is much greater when every aspect of the draft planning and structural planning is undertaken rather than purely following instructions. So after the warp planning session, the weavers then prepared their looms ready for my return the following weekend to begin the weaving.

As you can see from the photographs below, the participants did brilliantly. There were many beautiful and clever samples woven over the two days, providing much inspiration and delight. I’m greatly looing forward to visiting this guild again next year to deliver a leno weaving workshop.